Some people look for great companies with unbreakable competitive advantages. Some will only buy if the history of profitability is secure and guaranteed to continue. Others reject an accumulated deficit or buy only what is growing.
I steer clear of the masses in a search for the least competition. I look for the beaten down...the hated, forgotten, and lonely. In this area of the market only some companies will survive. My bet is the winners will rise enough to cancel out the dead. Most stocks I look at have problems. There is always potential and there is always something wrong. That's why we have opportunity. All is not rosy and for sure there is a real risk of loss.
There are always two sides to the coin and ESMC is no different. If you accept the truth you may see the opportunity.
I steer clear of the masses in a search for the least competition. I look for the beaten down...the hated, forgotten, and lonely. In this area of the market only some companies will survive. My bet is the winners will rise enough to cancel out the dead. Most stocks I look at have problems. There is always potential and there is always something wrong. That's why we have opportunity. All is not rosy and for sure there is a real risk of loss.
There are always two sides to the coin and ESMC is no different. If you accept the truth you may see the opportunity.