A year ago I wrote about HAUP breaking state law by refusing to show me, a shareholder, the company's financial statements. Since then I have joined a group of shareholders to push for change. We've sent the company multiple financial statement demand letters. We've engaged a nano-cap activist who specializes in proxy battles. We've talked with lawyers and are preparing ourselves for the next step.
This is an update and call to arms. If you are a HAUP shareholder please send me an email: nonamestocksdan@gmail.com. I want to know how many shares are held by people I know, how many votes might side with me. No matter your position size please contact me. Let's see how big we really are.
This is an update and call to arms. If you are a HAUP shareholder please send me an email: nonamestocksdan@gmail.com. I want to know how many shares are held by people I know, how many votes might side with me. No matter your position size please contact me. Let's see how big we really are.