Wednesday, May 22, 2024

IEHC is Cheap Again

IEH Corp (IEHC) was the second stock I wrote up on my blog way back in 2015.  Coincidentally that post is how I met my mentor so it carries a special place in my heart.  

The stock rose from $6 to $25 over several years of solid results only to fall all the way back due to Covid and missed filings.  The stock only became tradeable again a few months ago so here's your chance with the stock at $6.30.

Friday, May 10, 2024

IOMT at a PE of 1/3

I saw a trade on IOMT the other day which reminded me to check if they filed their annual. Sure enough there it is. EPS of $0.09. Book value per share of $0.34. Revenue per share $1.78.

Stock price $0.03